Showing 1 - 20 of 143 results.
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Grant Morris
Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 9781988553559 04/02/2019 Sale Price: Price: $102.00 + GST You Save:

Now in its Fourth Edition, Law Alive continues to be a “must have” introductory text for students studying first-year law at New Zealand’s law schools... more

eBook - ProView 9781991102317 19/12/2023 Sale Price: Price: $125.00 + GST You Save:

Over the past 40 years, the phrase “the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi” has become a common reference in legal vocabulary in Aotearoa New Zealand... more

Juliet Chevalier-Watts, Durgeshree Raman
Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 9781991102058 31/08/2022 Sale Price: Price: $119.00 + GST You Save:

Equity, Trusts and Succession offers a comprehensive summary and analysis of the fundamental concepts of the law in this field... more

Elisabeth McDonald, Scott Optican
Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 9781988504476 18/08/2018 Sale Price: Price: $153.00 + GST You Save:

Since its initial publication in 2007, The Evidence Act 2006: Act and Analysis has been the leading and authoritative New Zealand text on the Act... more

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 9781988553085 22/05/2018 Sale Price: Price: $166.00 + GST You Save:

Mediation in New Zealand is a significant new text which is designed to be specifically relevant to New Zealand’s mediation professionals, academics, and students... more

eBook - ProView 42553388 08/03/2021 Sale Price: Price: $324.00 + GST You Save:

Philip Joseph’s Constitutional and Administrative Law in New Zealand is one of the most recognised legal treatise titles in New Zealand... more

eBook - ProView 9781988553375 05/10/2018 Sale Price: Price: $114.00 + GST You Save:

The Ethical Lawyer: Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility is a guide to ethical conduct and client care which traces the developments in the field of legal ethics and professional responsibility.. more

eBook - ProView 9781988553467 08/03/2021 Sale Price: Price: $249.00 + GST You Save:

Philip Joseph’s Constitutional and Administrative Law in New Zealand is one of the most recognised legal treatise titles in New Zealand... more

John Prebble
Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 41940652 28/06/2018 Sale Price: Price: $100.00 + GST You Save:

Authored by Professor John Prebble QC; BA, LLB (Hons) (Auckland); BCL (Oxon); JSD (Cornell); Inner Temple (London), LEANZF, Fundamentals of Income Taxation is the must-have text for all New Zealand.. more

Jeremy Finn, Don Mathias
Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 42686705 01/12/2019 Sale Price: Price: $190.00 + GST You Save:

Criminal Procedure in New Zealand is the leading text on understanding and applying the Criminal Procedure Act 2011... more

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 9781990018237 15/12/2021 Sale Price: Price: $219.00 + GST You Save:

Police: Law and Practice is the first standalone text on police law in New Zealand... more

Jeremy Finn, Don Mathias
Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 9781988591544 01/12/2019 Sale Price: Price: $146.00 + GST You Save:

Criminal Procedure in New Zealand is the leading text on understanding and applying the Criminal Procedure Act 2011... more

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 42813863 15/12/2021 Sale Price: Price: $286.00 + GST You Save:

Police: Law and Practice is the first standalone text on police law in New Zealand... more

eBook - ProView 9781991102294 02/08/2023 Sale Price: Price: $140.00 + GST You Save:

The Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992: Act and Analysis contains the full text of the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992, providing in-depth section-based.. more

Andrew P Simester, Warren Brookbanks
Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 9781988553801 08/03/2019 Sale Price: Price: $191.00 + GST You Save:

Principles of Criminal Law offers a sophisticated account of New Zealand criminal law, combining theoretical depth with an authoritative exposition of the substantive areas of law encoutered in university.. more

eBook - ProView 9781988553122 30/06/2018 Sale Price: Price: $153.00 + GST You Save:

This is a well established reference for tertiary students studying the law of contract... more

Stewart Benson
Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 42507271 30/09/2018 Sale Price: Price: $261.00 + GST You Save:

Residential Tenancy Law in New Zealand is a practical analytical text offering in-depth discussion and practice-based guidance on the Residential Tenancies Act 1986... more

Mathew Smith
Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 9780947486747 01/11/2016 Sale Price: Price: $396.00 + GST You Save:

With 81 chapters, this is the most comprehensive and authoritative guide to cases that impact the law of judicial review and the principles that underpin them... more

Iris Reuvecamp, John Dawson
Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 42659457 31/07/2019 Sale Price: Price: $300.00 + GST You Save:

Mental Capacity Law in New Zealand is a comprehensive text on the legal position of people who lack capacity, in many different contexts, including their position regarding health care, residential.. more

Rachael Schmidt-McCleave, Stacey Shortall
Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND
eBook - ProView 9781988553535 16/09/2019 Sale Price: Price: $148.00 + GST You Save:

Health and Safety at Work in New Zealand: Know the Law is an authoritative, practical guide to the Health and Safety at Work in New Zealand Act 2015 and its accompanying regulations... more

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