Tax Acts & Commentary - Westlaw NZ

Tax Acts & Commentary - Westlaw NZ


Price: POA + GST


Code: 41169176

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND

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Tax Acts & Commentary - Westlaw NZ


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Format Title Date Code Price (excl. GST)
Online Tax Acts & Commentary - Westlaw NZ 41169176 POA Enquiry

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Tax Acts & Commentary - Westlaw NZ

Online Tax Acts & Commentary - Checkpoint 01/05/2013 41413580 POA Enquiry

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Tax Acts & Commentary - Checkpoint


Tax Acts and Commentary inlcudes essential tax legislation together with commentary for the Income Tax Act 2007, Tax Administration Act 1994, Taxation Review Authorities Act 1994,Goods and Services Tax Act 1985 and includes repealed Income Tax Acts, 1976, 1994 and 2004. A comparative table is included with each section that compares the 1976, 1994, 2004, and 2007 Acts.
The topical commentary is ever-expanding and currently includes detailed commentary on GST, international tax, look-through companies, mutual associations and child support.

Please note that product prices are a standard entry-level price (1-5 online and 1-3 CD users). This price may vary if there are more users or if customers enter into an e-Options or Information Supply Agreement with us.