Employment Cases - Westlaw NZ

Employment Cases - Westlaw NZ


Price: POA + GST


Code: 41169035

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND

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Employment Cases - Westlaw NZ


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Online Employment Cases - Westlaw NZ 41169035 POA Enquiry

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Employment Cases - Westlaw NZ


Employment Cases is part of the New Zealand topical case law database collection. CASE RECORD COUNT: OVER 25,000.

One of 20 topical case law databases, Employment Cases includes all cases reported in the Employment Reports of New Zealand as well as other employment cases from the Supreme Court, Privy Council, Court of Appeal, High Court, Employment Court, Labour Court, Arbitration Court, District Courts, Employment Relations Authority, and Employment Tribunal.

NB: This database incorporates the former Employment Reports of New Zealand, Employment Headnotes of New Zealand, and the Unreported Employment Cases databases.


Please note that product prices are a standard entry-level price (1-5 online and 1-3 CD users). This price may vary if there are more users or if customers enter into an e-Options or Information Supply Agreement with us.