New Zealand Constitution: An Analysis in Terms of Principles - (Book)

New Zealand Constitution: An Analysis in Terms of Principles - (Book)

Bruce Harris


$127.00 RRP + GST

Date: 17/12/2018

Code: 9781988553702

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND



Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price (excl. GST)
Book New Zealand Constitution: An Analysis in Terms of Principles - (Book) 17/12/2018 9781988553702 $127.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView New Zealand Constitution: An Analysis in Terms of Principles - (eBook) 19/12/2018 9781988553719 $127.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView New Zealand Constitution: An Analysis in Terms of Principles - (Book + eBook) 19/12/2018 42561730 $166.00 Add to cart


New Zealand Constitution: An Analysis in Terms of Principles was a finalist for the JF Northey Memorial Book Award for best legal book published in 2018.

Written by constitutional law specialist Bruce Harris, New Zealand Constitution: An Analysis in Terms of Principles, is a unique commentary on New Zealand’s unwritten constitution.  The book, is written around sixteen fundamental principles, on which, in the author’s view, the New Zealand constitution is built.

The commentary on each principle is used to explain, analyse and critique the complex system of law and conventions that make up the constitution.The objective is to ensure that readers understand the New Zealand constitution as providing the foundation for an integrated system of stable government and an ordered society.

This systematic approach to explaining the architecture of the constitution, is based on the author’s more than forty years of experience of teaching and researching New Zealand constitutional law.

The result is not only a clearly written and highly accessible text explaining the fundamentals of the New Zealand system of government, but also an indispensable learning tool for law students studying public law, political studies students, legal practitioners, judges, members of parliament, persons working in government and members of the community generally.