Workplace Safety and Accidents Handbook (Looseleaf)

Workplace Safety and Accidents Handbook (Looseleaf)


$922.00* RRP + GST


Code: 30120904

Thomson Reuters, NEW ZEALAND

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Workplace Safety and Accidents Handbook (Looseleaf)


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Format Title Date Code Price (excl. GST)
Looseleaf Workplace Safety and Accidents Handbook (Looseleaf) 30120904 $922.00 Enquiry

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Workplace Safety and Accidents Handbook (Looseleaf)

Online Workplace Safety & Accidents Handbook - Westlaw NZ 41169130 POA Enquiry

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Workplace Safety & Accidents Handbook - Westlaw NZ


Designed to assist any manager or professional adviser to meet their legal health and safety obligations, and to manage the associated costs. The Workplace Safety Handbook contains day-to-day workplace examples, practical guidance on a range of common hazards, sample procedures and checklists, and commentary on legal obligations with case examples and suggestions for compliance. Updated at least twice a year.

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A one off book and contents charge will apply for initial set up which covers the cost of the binder(s) and all current looseleaf content to date. All monthly or annual subscription pricing includes all updates issued during the applicable subscription duration.


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